Okay- let's be honest here. I'm down 5 el bees. That ain't nothin'. That's water. Something's gotta happen and I'm thinking those 5am workouts that aren't happening are going to NEED to become lunch time treadmill walks. It's the only way to actually get me moving and with busy season right around the corner (and every day life screwing every facet of my life up), 5am isn't coming anytime soon.
My struggle right now is that I'm completely motivated to go work out. I've committed to changing my eating habits (I think Coke's stock has gone down since I began this whole adventure. I've cut THAT much pop out of my daily routine) and I've kept myself very close to my 1000 calorie a day diet. Yes, I splurge. Yes, I cheat. Total deprivation will only make the binging worse at the end when I'm really seeing results and think I'm invincible (because I will think that).
So goals are good, huh?
My goal?
I have a pair of single digit skinny jeans I want to wear the weekend of my birthday. That gives me 1 month to get into those jeans.
I'm gonna do it internets. You heard it here first. I have a photoshoot looming over my head and I'm in no way ready to get in front of a camera. I have another shoot in mind, as well, so I'm hoping I'll be even more motivated to get myself put together for that.
Here we go!
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